Prayers - Warfare


I bow before your sacred righteousness, O’ Almighty one and only God. As a child of God, I stand by the authority of the Most-High, and by the Authority entrusted to me by the Indwelling Power of the Holy Ghost. I pray against any form of bondage, the bondmanship method, indentured servitude, strongholds, worshipping idols, idolizing to falsehoods, all chains of enslavement, tyranny, shackles of imprisonment, evil stifles, and oppressive forces that holds and ties us captive for any act which is idolatry, and consequently all images that are idols in the world. Free our hearts, soul, minds, and our thoughts from anything that is not of you. Set us free, O’ Lord, from the chains of idolatry, guide us away from false idols and lead us in the path of righteousness. Help us to recognize and reject false gods and false images of worldly desires from self-indulgence of that which is corrupted, untruthful and unfruitful. Lord, we break free of these chains and reclaim our true freedom. We turn away from the idols of the world and turn to the one true God and obey your commands. Guide us to lead a life of faith and obedience to your will. Grant us the strength and courage to forsake all false idols. Our hearts and souls want to stay free from all the impurities of the flesh, all the worship of falsehood, false religious traditions, false religious bondages, false religious legalism, false religious hypocrisy, false religious deception, false religious error, false religious heresy, false religious gifts, false religious control and all that’s easygoing to destroy our hearts and souls. All that’s not pleasing to your eyes, everything that pictures and images that is against your word. Lord help us stay focused on the things that are pure and holy, that bring glory and honor to your name. Let us not settle for anything less than what you desire for us and to be a light in the darkness. I pray that your Holy Spirit helps us stay focused on what is true, strong and steadfast in our faith, loyal to our values, and loyal to our Creator at all times. Let us, O’ God be led by you through your invocation of the Holy Spirit, to recognize when we are falling to the temptations of all the affairs of our life and all that is evil in this world, so that we may recognize this. It is our prayer that we will never bow down to any images or idols, no false and fabricated gods, but rather bring honor, glory, praise, worship to you most gracious Lord and glorify, magnify your great and powerful name. 

“For God be all the glory forever, through our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.”


Verses To Meditate on…

(Daniel 3:19-23) (1 Corinthians 10:21) (2 Kings 24:13) ( Exodus 20:5-6)

View the full word on- Massage knowledge section-Never bow to the king’s images or Idols!

” Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils,“(1 Corinthians 10:21).

By Elda Sullins.


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