Sharing the Word of God..

Each Day, I am honored to be serving God in the education ministries, I believe in the supreme authority of the Bible over all matters of the Christian faith. I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible written Word of God, given to us by God, by which we may know Him in a deeper and more personal way. It is also through the Bible that we may know God’s will, His decrees and precepts.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. {2 Timothy 3:16-17}

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. {2 Peter 1:20-21}

I am submitted to the Authority of God’s written word, the Bible, and acknowledge that it alone has the truth about God and it is our manual on how to live our lives here on earth. This website is a platform for me to share God’s Word to those who have not yet come to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To encourage fellow believers to Stand Firm in their Faith and to assure them that they have made the right decision to surrender their lives to Christ and become His followers.

Mission Summary..

Oaks of Righteousness is a ministry dedicated to bring the Church reformation, Kingdom demonstration. To transform and seek to establish an accurate borderline kingdom for all nations. To be an accurate prophetic voice in releasing song, revelation, depth of wisdom, knowledge, guidelines through the prompting of the Holy spirit and insights that will elevate the church and magnify Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Our vision is to establish a new and more effective model of sound biblical education along with kingdom centares mindset, discerning at all time the prompting of the Holy spirit to train, and equip the body of Jesus Christ (which is the church) empowering strong transformations, leaders, minsters and saints to embark a kingdom culture defined to be a core value for the perpetuation of God’s purpose among all people and the complete manifestation of Jesus Christs kingdom here on earth.

Oaks of Righteousness is a ministry that Defends, and Stands with every Ministry that is focused on preparing the Saints to face the battles in a world of doubtfulness. Equipping them to be effective Witnesses and providing them the tools to teach others these truths. Merging in a walk with full confidence and Faith in Jesus Christ by always discerning the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We earnestly pray and deeply ask the Lord to fill every person with a pure heart of love, humility, meekness, boldness and compassion. For the lost to have a re-ignited heart of love, to see people saved from eternal destruction and to have an awoken revival from spiritual slumber with a heart of love for the perishing ones. Reforming positions and patterns throughout the global community of kingdom citizens. Ambassadors that demonstrate diligent biblical promotion and are boldly determined in the proclamation of God’s Kingdom agenda on earth.

Reconciling the world back to God thorough effective evangelism, discipleship, community outreach, publishing books and media outlets. The objective of equipping and empowering strong transformations in Leaders, Minsters and all Saints is to embrace the Kingdom culture, to live an accomplishing life, planting and building churches the Body of Christ. Leading institutions and to establish Kingdom embassies locally and globally, collaborating with other ministries, by bringing strategies, training, planning and a accelerated Kingdom mindset to edification of all Saints.