Kingdom Culture - Encouraging Word

It is your nature to be Unshakeable, because you were Created for Greatness

It is your nature to be unshakeable because you were created for greatness.

There is a saying in the book of Proverbs that says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV), according to the wise king of Israel Solomon.

We each and every one of us rely heavily on vision to fulfill our individual, and national, potential. Over the years, people have repeatedly referred to this report. In accordance with the speech, people usually lose control, discipline, and restraint in the absence of a revelation of the future. In other words, vision is a source of discipline for both individuals and companies.

In spite of this, when you see beyond your current circumstances and can envision your future with hope, you are rich, no matter how much money you have. We are therefore encouraged by the Biblical words: “I know the plans I have for you” (Jeremiah 29:11). They are plans to prosper us and not harm us.

The most important thing is to see what is possible, no matter what you have or don’t have right now. There is no life without this vision. For where there is a dream, there is hope, and where there is hope, there is faith, and faith is what makes hope come true. According to (Hebrews 11:1)

There is something special about each and every human being that cannot be achieved by anyone else. I believe that it is crucial that you have a clear understanding of the following truth: You were created to have a unique Footprint, you are meant to accomplish something that will leave a lasting impression on others. This world will not be able to ignore what you do because you were born to do something extraordinary.

There are those who might think that you are “just another person,” but that isn’t the case. Keep your view of yourself as extraordinary in mind at all times. There is nothing like looking in the mirror and telling someone that you are an original, an irreplaceable, a one-of-a-kind individual, so do not let them make you feel less than you are. In all of existence, there is not a single person like you. There is a reason why you are as you are. You were made that way by God.



O Almighty Sovereign Lord! “May your Kingdom receive all that I am.” As I embark on this journey, I pray that the territory I walk on will be fertile.  With every prayer I offer, I ask the heavens above to release contentment on me. I also pray that the atmosphere around me will envelop me with tranquility and delight. I also pray that each step I take will be under the authority and power of your holy spirit. May the One who built the universe without foundations, and raised the heavens without columns, our Creator who built both, and will be able to sustain me throughout my life, send His protection, so that I may be kept alive, now and forevermore.

My Lord, I pray that as I am out and about, I will receive abundance of blessings from YOU my Lord and Savior, my God. I pray that your glory will shine throughout my life each day. It will be impossible for anyone to replace me on my day of glory, and I will never lack anything good, nor will I ever be laughed at. Righteousness God, you guide me so my goals are not undermined, nor will I lose direction in my life; I will not waver in my focus. Your mercy on me will enable your joy to reside in me, and your praise will fill my mouth. Your inheritance of the heavens shall not pass to another person because of your mercy on me. This year and always, I will triumph over all the challenges in my life through Jesus’ Mighty Righteous Holy Name.

“For God be the glory forever through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

By Elda Sullins

Verses to Meditate on

(Proverbs 29:18) Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.

(Jeremiah 29:11) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

(Hebrews 11:1) Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.


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