In Hell or Erath, Not Satan or Mortal has power to override God’s divine will and destiny for your life.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, (Roman 8:38-39)
A person’s destiny cannot be overridden by any demonic entity in hell nor can it be overridden by anyone on earth. No one can change a person’s destiny, It is predetermined by God and cannot be changed. Even if a person’s destiny seems impossible, God can make a way for them to fulfill it. People can use their free will to make choices that will help them reach their potential, but in the end, it is up to God to determine their fate. It is predestined and cannot be changed by anyone or anything, it must fulfill.
Consider Satan’s numerous methods for destroying what he couldn’t. He tried his best to change the course of destiny, but to no avail. He was powerless in the face of God’s power, authority, strength, and will. He was unable to interfere with the divine plan, and so he was forced to accept it. Despite the attempts of Satan, God’s plan prevailed, and He remains in control. No devil in hell or human being is so powerful to override God’s perfect will over your life, and we must accept it to believe. Considering these stories, expect, as God is a mighty, sovereign ruler of the universe.
The story of Moses is told in the book of Exodus 2:1:10:”During the pregnancy of Amram of the tribe of Levi and his wife, they gave birth to a handsome boy, Jochebed, she kept the baby boy hidden for three months so that he could be protected. Jochebed was in a desperate attempt to save her child. Then, when this became too difficult, she fashioned a basket from bulrushes and reeds and waterproofed the bottom with bitumen and pitch. In order to hide him, she built a basket made of reeds and set it on the Nile River. Jochebed was aware that the Pharaoh’s daughter came to bathe there (Hebrew 11:23). At the time, the daughter of the Pharaoh happened to bathe in the river. She was indeed surprised to find a baby floating in the river when she saw the basket. The handmaiden immediately brought the infant to her. Upon opening it, the infant was crying. She was well aware that the baby would be killed if he was discovered to be one of the Hebrew children.
Moses is primarily known for leading the children of Israel out of captivity in Egypt, (the Burning Bush Exodus 3:1-22)”For four decades, he led the people in the wilderness, during which time the Ten Commandments were given to him on Mount Sinai. During his adult years, his character was patiently tempered in the desert. Nevertheless, he was a man who had both strengths and weaknesses, just like the rest of us. The defining characteristic of his character was his meekness, which enabled him to be molded by the Lord and His Spirit (Number 12:3).God gave Moses the task of going to Pharaoh and bringing God’s people out of Egypt.
We see, as God said to Moses, I will send you to Pharaoh so that you may bring My people.: “Pharaoh refused to let the people go, (Exodus 5:1-18)” and he was determined to keep them as slaves. Moses and Aaron pleaded with pharaoh to release the Israelites, but to no avail. Finally, God sent a series of plagues upon Egypt to force pharaoh’s hand. After the plagues, pharaoh finally relented and let the people go. Moses and the Israelites left Egypt, and God parted the Red Sea so they could cross safely. Pharaoh and his army soon followed, but God caused the waters to rise up and drown them. Moses and the Israelites then left Egypt and made their way to the Promised Land. Moses and the Israelites celebrated their freedom and God’s miraculous power. They journeyed through the desert and eventually reached the Promised Land.
God is implying that I have come down to deliver them. If God said He would deliver them, He will enact His word with all the power of heaven, because He is faithful to His promises. God can do it all alone, but most of the time He uses people to carry out His plans, as we are collaborators with Him. In the end, he was called by God, assumed prophetic leadership, and became one of the greatest prophets of all time. During his lifetime, he had the privilege of walking with God, engaging in divine conversation, and receiving divine glory.
God was in control of the situation, and His will was unchangeable. He allowed the wicked to triumph for a time, but ultimately He prevailed and His plans were accomplished.
Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time. And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his servant there, (1 Kings 19:2-3 ).
Jezebel threatened the prophet Elijah with death, but Elijah was never killed as a result of her threats. Elijah was protected by God, who sent an angel to protect him from Jezebel’s wrath, the angel told Elijah to flee and hide in the wilderness and Elijah obeyed and went into exile. God provided for his needs, and Elijah was never killed. Elijah was protected by God’s divine intervention, Jezebel was a powerful woman and could have had him killed, Elijah was saved from certain death.
There was a reason why the prophets were killed by Jezebel, and that was because she did not want them to express their opinions, teach the truth of God’s word. The true prophets were an obstacle to Jezebel’s plans for Israel, she served Baal and Asherah as well as her own false prophets. Her intention was not to give the Israeli people a voice initiated by God so that they would dominate the nation. In order to silence the prophets, Jezebel did not even have to go through all the hassle of assassinating them, If the prophet voluntarily goes into hiding, that simplifies. In her role as a sorcerer, she used spells, witchcraft, and dark magic as powerful weapons, her motors, and herald status to discourage them from speaking the truth. She wanted to keep the people of Israel in the dark about the word of God and prevent them from knowing the truth. Her intention was to take control of the kingdom and rule it with her own agenda, as a matter of fact, their lives could have been spared, if only she weren’t so evil. She was a killer who had no remorse for what she was doing. Jezebel was determined to remain in control, no matter the cost. She used her power and influence to spread lies and manipulate people into believing her. She was ruthless in her efforts and did not hesitate to employ violence if necessary. The message was clear: no one should ever attempt to challenge God’s authority. Those who did so would meet the same fate as the evil Jezebel.
Elijah seems to have had great confidence that God will judge the Baal-worshipers, but very little confidence that God would not also allow all his prophets to be killed by the sword: Elijah was able to stay in hiding until Jezebel’s death, He eventually returned to the Israelites and challenged the priests of Baal to a showdown. God answered Elijah’s prayer, and the priests of Baal were killed, (1 Kings 18:20)
In the end, Elijah was rewarded for his faith and courage, he was taken away to heaven in a whirlwind, (2 Kings 2:1-18) “Elijah’s story serves as a reminder that God’s justice always prevails. It also emphasizes the importance of having faith and the courage to stand up for what is right. A reminder of God’s faithfulness can be found in Elijah’s story.
As all evil must die, (2 kings 9:30-37)’ Jezebel died at the hands of her own people She was thrown out of the window and her body was trampled by horses and left to lie in the streets. A pack of dogs devoured her body after letting loose to eat it. Due to the terror and destruction she unleashed on her people, her death was a sign of justice, and her death was a warning that evil and wickedness would not be regarded as acceptable in the kingdom. God’s justice was inescapable, and His punishment was severe. In the end, He was established as right, and His power was unquestionable.
Despite attempts by evil forces, God’s will prevails. There is never a chance for evil to triumph over good, because God’s plan will always come to pass. God’s justice will be served and evil will be punished. Ultimately, God’s kingdom will remain victorious.
Genesis 37:18-20 But they saw him in the distance, and before he reached them, they plotted to kill him. Here comes that dreamer! they said to each other. “Come now, let’s kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.”
God’s power was greater than theirs. He protected the dreamer and ensured that His will would be fulfilled. Joseph Brothers tried to kill a dreamer but they could not stop the will of God from being accomplished. God used the dreamer’s faith and courage to overcome his attackers. He was ultimately saved and went on to become a Prime Minister powerful leader in Egypt, and a whole generation was persevered. His story is a testament to the power of faith and obedience to God’s will. He trusted in God and was able to overcome all obstacles. He was also able to forgive his brothers and reconcile with them. His faith and courage were an inspiration to all who knew him. Joseph was eventually reunited with his brothers and reunited with his family. He was given a position of power and was able to help his family and the nation of Israel. God’s power was with the boy and he was ultimately victorious.
. Joseph’s story teaches us that with God, anything is possible. God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He can use people like you and me to accomplish incredible feats. God can use our weaknesses to bring out the best in us and make us stronger than we ever thought possible. We should never doubt the power authority and strength of God and of power of prayer .We should also remember that God is always with us, even in the darkest of times.
King David’s:
God used their disobedience and rebellion to bring about a greater plan. He allowed them to do what they thought was best, only to show saul that He was in control and that His plans would never be thwarted.
1 Samuel 19:11-12 “Saul sent men to David’s house to watch it and to kill him in the morning. But Michal, David’s wife, warned him, “If you don’t run for your life tonight, tomorrow you’ll be killed.” So Michal let David down through a window, and he fled and escaped.
Saul tried to kill David, He was furious when he heard that David had escaped. He sent troops to chase after him, but David managed to escape. Saul then took an oath to kill David, and issued a proclamation throughout the land of Israel, ordering his forces to hunt him down. David fled to Ramah, where he was welcomed by Samuel the prophet,(1 Samuel 19:18) Saul, He could not stop the will of God from being established. Saul eventually died in a battle with the Philistines, and David was crowned king of Israel. David finally arose to the throne and a whole Nation was turned over to God.
Satan knows Jesus is on your side, he knows your inner potential is catastrophic, he knows lives will be changed, he knows nations will be transformed and he knows generations will be impacted. . . . Satan is afraid of Jesus and the power that He possesses, he knows that He defeated him and his evil plans; Satan and demons know that the blood of the Lamb covers us; Satan does not have any power over us.
God, In order to accomplish your destiny, God will use your personality, your gender, your race, transform your mind and refine your character, shape your attitude, and use your giftings to fulfill the destiny that He has planned for you.
There is only one source of authority, which is God. God is the sovereign ruler of the universe because He is the creator of all things. He entrusts leadership roles to individuals in the church, the workplace, and the government, as He has all power and all authority. Structures of authority reflect God’s own orderliness. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, Let this truth lead your thinking and encourage you to believe and embrace it. “No devil in hell or anyone who allows to be used of him is powerful to twist the hand of God, where your Destiny is concerned”.
I, Lord Almighty, declare you to be sovereign over all. My position as a child of God, I stand by the authority of the Most High, and by the authority entrusted to me by the Indwelling Power of the Holy Ghost. I pray to God in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ today that as you come to the throne of grace and stand in the presence of the Lord by faith, that you may be empowered by the Holy Spirit to foresee and to manifest every marvelous plan that the Lord has for you.
I declare today in the name of Jesus that you shall receive clear illumination into the pivotal moment of fulfillment in your life and proclaim so you shall know the purpose that God has ordained for you, and you shall have the power to pursue it. This is an affirmation, assertion, and decree by the POWER, AUTHORITY AND STRENGTH OF THE HOLY GHOST. I repudiate, denounce, abjure, relinquish, annul, abort, bind All the altars of wickedness, All evil forces that seek to steal, kill and destroy, All satanic strongholds, All secrets councils of satanic, demonic organizations, All monitors hidden and upcoming attacks and the altars which are inhabited by demonic spirits, Upon every attack by the Kingdom of darkness, all gates of hell, all demonic activities, all demon weapons, all fountains of shame of satanism, All the satanic demonic lies, schemes, tactics, and slander accusations are satanic demonic ones. In addition to all devices that monitor oppression by satanic demonic forces, and every satanic influence that seeks to hinder God’s plan. I set ablaze THE HOLY BLOOD OF THE LAMB, to destroy the evil plan the Devil has devised, and for All SATANIC demons alters of darkness, All their evil plots, to perish and die, BY THE HOLY ANOINTING AND FIRE OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I declare to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that today by the fire of the Holy Ghost, all struggles and all failures in your life will be eradicated from your life, from your family, and by the Blood of the Lamb, all will be set free. Whenever you are under the spell of an evil spirit, I break the power that is trying to bind you. My declaration is that you will be encircled and protected by God’s power and authority as he surrounds you and protects you. My declaration is that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and that His power will overpower you in every area of your life.
As the Lord channels you and your family into a victorious life, I scatter all evil plans of wickedness in your life and the life of your families right now in the name of Jesus Christ, so that you and your families will grow beyond your situation and reach their full potential. I declare in Jesus’ Mighty Name that any obstacles on your way to success will be crushed with fire. The Lord will restore to you and your family all that you have lost in your lives as a result of wickedness committed against you and your family. The Lord will restore back to you and your family’s life right now, as I stand on God’s word which says that even the son of man has been sent to save and restore what has been lost.
Father, thank you for restoring back and I thank you Lord for restoring their hearts, souls, bodies, and minds from the Kingdom of darkness to your will Lord, and I continue to pray for your entire family in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, as you have said, oh Lord, that the name of the Lord is a strong tower, and the righteous run to it and are safe. In the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I surround you and your extended family with divine protection, blessings, and breakthroughs. We call upon the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it ignites a double fire that consumes every evil strategy, scheme and weapon of wickedness throughout your entire family. In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, HalleluYah, glory to God Almighty, I thank you for providing victory and restoration to all my brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as to their families.
“For God be the glory forever through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.” By Elda Sullins.