Message of Knowledge - Spiritual Gifts

Edifying The Church- Don’t be Afraid to Speak; don’t be silent

Don’t be afraid to speak; don’t be silent

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. 10 For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” (Acts 18:9-10).

It is the Lord almighty who is giving Paul a clear vision of his mighty divine authority, power, and strength, and that everything is under his full control. (Acts 18:9) Paul was inspired and humbled by the realization of God’s power and he is in awe of the Lord’s greatness He realizes that the Lord is in control of everything and that He is always watching over him, and filled with a newfound faith and trust in the Lord. He is also reminding Paul of his responsibility to spread the Gospel and to trust in God’s plan for his life and destiny. Paul is reminded that he is never alone and that the Lord will always be with him. And he also realized that God was with him and would provide him with the strength and courage to face any challenge. 

In Corinth, Apostle Paul faced much opposition to his faith, and he must have been frightened by the threats he received. Despite the danger, Paul persevered and continued to preach the gospel. He was determined to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and never gave up. His courage and faith inspired many and his contribution remains to this day. He trusted in God to protect and provide for him and for those who would listen to his words. His trust in God gave him courage and resilience in the face of adversity. He is an example of courage, faith and resilience that all believers should strive to emulate. His legacy will live on for generations to come. 

He stands firm and proclaims justice. He hears the cries of the oppressed and stands in their defense. He fights for what is right and speaks out against injustice. 

Then God directs him to take a stand and be a voice for those who can speak for themselves and for those they can defend against the corruption of life and religious methods . He encourages him to use the power of his words to bring about positive change. He tells him that he is strong enough to make his voice heard and to make a difference and to take action and be courageous. Then he encourages him to place his complete trust in him, and he brings with him this untouchable promise that can never be broken. He tells him not to let fear or doubt stop him from achieving his spreading his gospel to all people . He gives him the strength and courage he needs to take on his challenges and to succeed. Finally, he promises to be with him every step of the way. 

This is exactly what God reminds Paul of, Paul felt helpless and weak before his enemies, but God reminded him of His power and that He would be with him no matter what. Paul’s faith was restored and he was able to continue his journey with renewed hope. You need not to fear, for I am the lord, and your god, who dwells within you, is going ahead of you. You do not need to hold back. Do not fear I am with you, and no one will harm you. I have called you by name and I love you. You are my child and I am your father. I will rescue you,” says the Lord. “I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go,”(Isaiah 41:10) I will protect you wherever you go and will bring you back home safely.”I will be with you every step of the way.  I will be with you in spirit, and you will know I am with you.  

  • I have called you for my people 
  • I have put my words in your mouths. Keep speaking, My spirit will be with you always. 
  • I will empower you, do not be silent, Speak out against injustice. 
  • I will be with you in the power of my words. Do not be discouraged. 
  • I will protect you.
  • I will be your voice. You are not alone. 
  • I will be your strength. 

He stands ready to vanquish the forces of evil. He is  called to be Gods Warfighters and to spread His message of mercy and Grace and He will stand against the darkness and fight for His righteousness. 

The divine mightiest protection has been bestowed on upon Paul, Your enemies will not be able to touch you. You are safe from all harm You are strong and have nothing to fear.  You are guarded and safe and you can rely on the power of the divine to protect you. Your faith will be your shield,”(Ephesians 6:16-18)”Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Let God’s saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use God’s message that comes from the Spirit.

Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people.—-It is a manifesto of his undeniable and unbreakable protection and shielding towards pauls enemies, Having his army of angels assembled beforehand, he has gone ahead of paul and is advancing in front of them. God is taking the defend for Paul from any attacks. He is a symbol of strength and courage, and a reminder of Paul’s courage in the face of adversity. He is a symbol of hope and faith in God. It is unquestionable that God is making an announcement, To Paul, the Lord your God, will be your  shield and sword. Leading you to victory over foes, and will be your beacon of hope and strength, inspiring you to never give up, standing firm in your convictions. 

God reminds Paul that the Holy Spirit will be with him and that He will be with him until the end. Paul is assured of His protection and guidance and he encourages himself to stay faithful and to keep preaching the gospel. 

The message he is trying to send is to continue proclaiming the gospel . He encourages Paul  to stay strong and to continue to spread the good news. He promises to protected him and to help him in his ministry, and God reminds him that He have the power to change people’s lives, and to keep going despite the challenges they face. He encourages them to trust in God, and to stay focused on their mission. He promises to provide Paul with all the necessary resources to continue his ministry, and encourages Paul to remember his purpose and stay focused. Paul is grateful for his support and guidance. He thanks God for his generosity and for believing in him. He promises to be faithful to his ministry and to continue to use all the resources he has been provided. Paul expresses his gratitude and appreciation, and express Himself and promises to be a good steward of the resources he has been entrusted with. He hopes to be an inspiration to others and to continue to learn and grow in his ministry. 

Empowerment comes from God It is intended as a reminder to all those who are under the mandate and to those who live a righteous, holy life in the spirit, and those  who are aware of God’s power, and that what he said he would do will be fulfilled in the end. And It is a reminder of God’s divine intervention and a sign of hope for those who are feeling powerless,  and they can found in faith and in the power of prayer. Fight for what is right. Make a difference in the world around you. Speak out. Raise your voice. Do not be afraid, Believe in yourself and in the power of your voice. Use your voice and your power to create positive change. Your voice counts, Believe in the power of collective truth and action, “(Matthew 10:27)” What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.

Never give up, never remain silent, never allow anyone to steal your peace. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Speak out for those who can’t speak for themselves. Protect your inner peace and use it to empower yourself and others. You should never allow anyone to enslave you. Stand up for what is right and always fight for justice. Use your voice to make a difference. Never let anyone take away your power, The power is yours and you have the power to make a difference. Your courage and strength will be an inspiration to others. 

Our strength comes from the Lord, and He will lead you through victory.

Our encirclement is the Lord’s spirit; he inwardly prompts us to navigate with his guidance; remember, He is our helper. Stand firm in your faith, trust in God, and never give up. With the Lord’s help, you will be victorious. Thankfully, our Lord Jesus did not leave us without help, on the contrary, he has provided us with the helper to complete what he began in us,”(Philippians 1:6)” The Holy Spirit is our constant companion and guide,”(John 14:26) “The Companion, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I told you.—-He gives us the courage to face our fears and the strength to endure. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can overcome any obstacle and accomplish. With the Holy Spirit living within us, we are able to speak loudly with the mouth of a lion. The Lord will bring us the same kind of vision that He gave to Paul, just as the Lord gave it to him. He will empower us with the same boldness and courage that Paul had. We will be able to spread the gospel without fear, knowing that the Lord is with us.


Verses To Meditate on…

(Acts 18:9-10.) (Ephesians 6:16-18) (Matthew 10:27) (Philippians 1:6) (John 14:26)


By Elda Sullins.

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