Message of Knowledge - Spiritual Gifts

Edifying The Church-Become a good soldier of Christ Jesus by joining with us as a good soldier

Become a good soldier of Christ Jesus by joining with us as a good soldier.

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God… (2 Timothy 1:8)..

According to Paul’s writings in the book of 2 Timothy, suffering is one of the elements of life. He believes that it is part of the journey of faith and it is through suffering that we grow closer to God. He also states that suffering can be used to glorify God and to be a source of strength. He encourages believers to remain faithful in the midst of suffering, and to trust in God’s plan. He promises that God will be with us and provide strength during difficult times.  

The letter was written when he was in prison, and he was falsely accused, kept as a prisoner, and knew in any minute he would die. He states that we should remember him as an example of faith and courage and that his story will bring hope and strength to generations to lcome. He ends the letter with a final plea for us to remember him, and to never give up hope no matter how difficult the situation may seem. He encourages us to trust in God and trust in his plan for our lives. 

But then, he goes on to explain how suffering will be a part of his ministry in the coming millennium and how this will help build and edify the church in the coming century.He states that suffering will be a test of faith for the church and that those who pass it will be rewarded with eternal life. He says that suffering is a necessary part of the Christian life and that it will bring strength and growth to believers. He encourages believers to trust in God during difficult times and to remember that He is always with them. He says that suffering can be endured with joy and that it can lead to spiritual growth. 

He also states that suffering can lead to a deeper understanding of God’s purpose, and that it can bring unity and strength to the Church. He encourages believers to turn to God in the midst of their suffering, and to remember that He is in control. He also encourages believers to pray for strength and courage during difficult times. He emphasizes the importance of trusting in God’s plan and believing that He will provide for them. He also encourages believers to stay connected to their faith and turn to prayer for comfort and guidance. 

During Paul’s lifetime, suffering for the sake of Jesus was an everyday reality for him, He was beaten, jailed, and shipwrecked. He endured persecution and ridicule for his faith in Jesus. He persevered and continued to preach the gospel, even in the face of danger.

In the day of Paul, suffering for the sake of Jesus was a reality, and that suffering comes into play throughout this entire letter, and as we continue to expose that suffering, we bring a deeper sense of where Paul was going through all the suffering he endured throughout his ministry. Paul was an example of courage and faith, and his words remind us of the power of perseverance. His suffering was an act of obedience to God, and his legacy remains an example of the power of faith and love. 

His example encourages us to never give up, no matter the cost. His legacy is also a powerful reminder of the power of faith and love. His story also serves as a reminder of the power of forgiveness and the power of redemption. His example will continue to inspire and motivate generations to come. 

These is a biblical principle that paul stated, we are supposed to share in suffering. Among the most important and vital things we need to do in order to be able to suffer well is to remember that we’re not going through it alone. We can turn to God for strength and comfort. We can also rely on our community of believers for support and understanding. Finally, we can remember that suffering has a purpose and that it can help us grow closer to God. We should also remember that God is always with us and that He will never leave us. Lastly, we should remember that suffering can lead to spiritual growth and transformation.

We can draw strength and courage from Paul’s example, knowing that our own suffering is nothing compared to the suffering of Christ. We can take comfort in knowing that our suffering is for a good cause and that we will be rewarded for our efforts.

We enter into the fellowship of Jesus’ suffering when we suffer, because he went before us and suffered for us. We can find strength and comfort in knowing that our suffering is not in vain. It can have a meaningful purpose and can bring us closer to God. Finally, we can trust that He will use our suffering for good. 

  •  We can trust that God will bring beauty out of our ashes and that He will give us peace in the midst of our suffering. 
  • We can trust that He will bring us joy and hope in the midst of our pain. 
  • We can trust that He will provide for us and give us strength to endure. 

(Philippians 3:10-11) (KJV) that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.

We are called to take up our cross and follow Jesus, to suffer and sacrifice for him. We must be willing to suffer and endure hardships in order to bring glory to God. This is the power of faith, and the strength of our Christian witness.

Our relationship with Jesus goes beyond being beneficiaries of his death. We must also be willing to suffer and die with him, so that we can share in his resurrection. Our willingness to suffer and die with him is a sign of our true faith and commitment to him. We actually get to share in his sufferings. So when we suffer as Christians, we don’t suffer alone. We suffer with Jesus. Suffering becomes a privilege because it’s something we get to share with Jesus. It leads us into greater intimacy with him.This intimacy allows us to experience the power of his grace and the joy of his presence. We can find strength in our suffering and hope in our pain. This gives us courage to face our sufferings and trust in God’s plan. We can draw closer to Jesus and draw closer to God and experience the power of his love. 

1. We can draw strength from this intimacy and faith in Jesus. 

2. We can find peace and comfort in knowing that Jesus is always with us, even in the darkest of times.  

3. We can rely on Jesus to be there for us and to give us the strength to face any challenge. 

4. He will always be our source of hope and assurance.

5. We can trust in Jesus to be our rock and our guide. 

6. He will be our strength and our refuge. 

7. He is our eternal companion. 

8. He is our shepherd and our friend. 

We can turn to Him to find peace and solace in any circumstance. We have suffered with Christ, but we have also suffered with other Christians. In fact, Paul asked Timothy to share in his suffering as he suffered with him. This was an act of mutual suppor and a way for Paul to show Timothy his love and support. It was also a reminder of the importance of unity among believers.It was a reminder that we are never alone in our struggles. We can find strength and hope in knowing that we are united in Christ, and that He is always with us.  

We become a beacon of hope for others, and a reminder that no matter what life throws at us, God is with us. Our suffering can bring glory to God and help others find hope in difficult times.

In the event of our suffering, we join thousands of other believers who are suffering as well. We have the privilege of sharing in their suffering.We can also share in the joy of their victories. We are united in Christ and He will carry us through whatever life brings our way. This unity helps us to remain strong in our faith and remain hopeful in our struggles. Whenever we suffer for Jesus, we are joining a group of fellow sufferers that include Jesus, Paul, Timothy and the rest of the Bible’s prophets and the ones before us. 

  •  We can be a support and encouragement to others through their suffering. 
  • We can trust in Jesus’ promises that He will bring us through anything. 
  • We can rely on Him for strength and peace. 4.) We can also pray for those who are suffering. 
  • We can show compassion and empathy to those who are struggling. 
We can also help to break down barriers and create a more inclusive society. We can inspire others to take action and make a difference in the world.

By setting an example, we can encourage others to follow. Every person can inspire others by demonstrating that a difference can be made, and by working together, a better world can be created for all. One step at a time, I believe that we can be a positive force for change as a team, and we can make a difference together. Toward a more equitable and just world, there is a way. As a result, a more compassionate and understanding society can be created, as well as a more harmonious and unified world.

1. We can share Jesus’ love with those who are in need. 

2. We can share our faith with others. And we can be a light in the darkness. 

3. We can be an example of grace and mercy. We can be an example of courage and hope. 

4. We can be an example of God’s love. 

6.We can be an example of the power of prayer and faith. 

7. We can be an example of the power of forgiveness. 

We can be an example of the power of Jesus’ that show His love and compassion to others.  And tp spread His message of mercy and free grace, hope and joy. share His truth with those around us. been a beacon of light in a dark world to show others the  the straight narrow path of  life. 

As Jesus carried his cross, let’s make sure that our hands and feet are nails too, and let’s carry our cross with Him. Let’s spread His love and mercy to those around us. be the hands and feet of Jesus and show that His eternal grace, compassion, be an example of the power of Jesus’ light that shines in the darkness, and let our actions speak louder than words. Pray fervently, and in all forms in support of the suffering of all people all over the world. 

The point is that Jesus did not choose one or the other, he helped them by not looking into their backgrounds and searching for them. There were many things Jesus did to save people: He prayed for them, healed them, encouraged them, cast out demonic spirits, made them see, hear, talk, walk, even when he carried the cross to the Calvary , he suffered like they suffered. He showed his love for them by sacrificing himself for them. He forgave them and taught them to love one another. He was an example of mercy and compassion.


Verses To Meditate on…

(2 Timothy 1:8) (Philippians 3:10-11)


By Elda Sullins.

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