Daily Devotional For Men And Women

Daily devotionals take us on a journey through the intricacies of God, his plans for all and how to let those plans come to fruition in the lifetime of the believer. It is the very nature of the Bible that it invites people from every walk of life into a daily conversation with His Word. Our goal as we travel along the path of discipleship is to become like Jesus as much as possible. One of the best ways to help ourselves and our loved ones live courageously and boldly in the face of everyday challenges such as marriage, parenting, family, work, and many others is by reading His Word. Which is full of encouragement in times when our own strength is not sufficient. The Bible tells us how to rely completely on God’s strength. When we seek His heart, we discover God’s mercy, grace, love compassion, guidance, and He encompasses our path through his light.


Elda Sullins

My sole aim in this endeavor is to facilitate the true holistic gospel based on biblical studies. This will lead to the development of mature followers of Jesus Christ who are transformed by his infinite love, mercy, grace, and truth. I have gained wisdom and a capacity to only acknowledge that which I hear from God as a result.

My mission as a true believer is to inspire people and motivate them to share the advent of Christ, the birth, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Christ. I want to share the great news, awaken, and revive true believers. It is also imperative to demonstrate this behavior. by walking in obedience as well as the attitude of seeking God’s will, plan, and purpose in his timing, his ways, and his understanding.

Books by Elda Sullins: Current Publish

Let’s learn from the greatest teacher of all time, Jesus Christ, how our Savior gave us the best lessons of all time. Jesus began his life the same way you and I did, as a normal infant. He learned how to walk, talk, and laugh. Jesus began growing up in the way of the Lord. He increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). Jesus learned to discern the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He prayed and studied the law. He walked with obedience to clearly see all prophecy that was given through the prophets before him. He was guided by God to speak, teach and preach to the nation with fullness of power, authority, and strength. As we all remember our Lord Jesus Christ when he started his.

God wants all mankind to be fully equipped and for all of us to take maturity as Christians (followers of Christ), taking all action of the requirements to see God at work in each individual. Our relationship with God is best nurtured through daily prayer, morning prayer, night prayer, daily Bible reading, studying and memorizing.

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Books by Elda Sullins: Click on Shop: Pre-Order – Select the book you would like to order

Daily Devotions for Today's Journey

Our daily devotional will assist you in living purposefully and cheerfully throughout the year We invite you to join us for a moment of reflection and silence every day. This devotional contains scripture passages carefully selected by God, a brief, thoughtful message, and a heartfelt prayer.

Families from every walk of life are invited to engage with God’s Word every day. As we strive to become more like Jesus, this Bible study is full of encouragement and useful to equip us to live boldly and courageously in the face of everyday challenges, trials, tribulation, grief, loss and pain such as marriage, parenting, family, work, relationships, etc.

It is God who will always be faithful to you throughout the day, providing you with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and kindness to guide you into all truth, proving you in his might, lighting his truth through his word, and offering help by calling you to look to Jesus for assistance.

It is my hope that this simple devotional will assist you to recognize that these promises will last as long as you live with Him and bring peace and happiness into your life as you extend an invitation to live an enjoyable life with him.

Books by Elda Sullins: Click on Shop: Pre-Order – Select the book you would like to order

Elda's Blogs

In our daily devotionals, we learn more about God, his plans, purposes, and the perfect timing for each of us; how to let God's plans come to pass in our lifetimes; and how believers can participate in fulfilling those plans. It is quite unique in the Bible that, by its very essence, the Bible invites people of every background and branch of life to come together on a daily basis in order to converse and interact with His Word in a way that is utterly remarkable. It is only by spending time in the presence of God that true peace, hope, and rest can be found. To know and love God more deeply, and to enrich yourself daily by reading His Word, is the only way to achieve such peace, hope, and rest.

By spending time in His Word, we will come to know who God is and what He is like, and we will come to realize that He can be trusted in every situation of life. He is greater than we can comprehend, he is in control of all things, and he has infinite goodness.

As you work more diligently, you will be able to find peace in the sovereign care of God, enjoy security in the promise of eternity, and experience joy in His love for you.

Trust God to provide for every need, find comfort in His Spirit, and live out your faith as an overflow from His glorious grace.

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide.
for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of his splendor.

Isiah 61:1-3

Book Reviews

The only source of hope exists by dwelling in God's presence. By doing so, we are able to know the abundant life we can have in Him today, and the assurance that our lives will continue with Him in eternity. You are invited to come and live in truth and take peace with you by accepting his invitation. We invite you to leave a positive comment on any of the books, eBooks, or blogs that was of interest to you.

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Blogs By Elda

Throughout this devotional, You will find plenty of affirmation and useful practical applications for living with inner fortitude, humility, meekness, and remembering that Jesus came to serve and not to be served, so our blogs give us a passion to serve you and your families through motivational bible reading.

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